Chicken Tandoori

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45 minutes 4 Servings (as a Main Course) Print RecipeEmail Recipe


8largeboneless chicken thighs
1cupplain yogurt
5mediumgarlic cloves (peeled)
1⁄4cupgingerroot (coarsely chopped)
1teaspoonground coriander
1teaspoongaram masala
1⁄2teaspoonground cumin
1⁄4teaspoonground cinnamon
1⁄4teaspoonindian chili powder (or cayenne)
1⁄4teaspoonground cardamom
1⁄4teaspoonground fenugreek
1⁄8teaspoonground close
  red food coloring (optional)
8 thick sweet onion slices (for garnish)
2 lemons (quartered – for garnish)


Score the thighs across the skin, cutting no more than 1/4 inch deep into the meat. Salt the chicken lightly in reserved.

Place yogurt and all the spices in the work bowl of food processor. Run machine until mixture is smooth. Place yogurt–spice mixture in a large bowl. If you wish to add food coloring, do it now. Add the chicken thighs, stirring well to coat them evenly. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours.

When ready to cook, prepare a hot outdoor fire or turn on your indoor broiler.

Remove chicken thighs from marinade and dry well. Place the thighs either over the hot fire or under the hot broiler. Cook until just done: Brown and sizzled on the outside, just past pink on the inside. While the chicken is cooking, place the onion slices either over or under the same fire. They should be ground but still slightly crunchy.

Divide the chicken tandoori among for dinner plates. Top chicken with sizzling onion slices and serve lemon wedges on the side.


Preparation time does not include marinating time.

If using food coloring, use enough to turn it a deep, vivid color. Then add the chicken. Indian groceries carry a red or orange powder they sell their for this purpose.

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