1948 Original Barbecue Sauce
Abraham Lincoln Marble CakeAcapulco (Rum based)Acapulco (Tequila based)Almond BiscottiAlmond Chicken (Pollo Almendrado)Almond and Brandy CakeAlsatian Pork ChopsAmbassadorAmerican Sand TartsAmish Chicken Pot PieAnchovy ButterApple ChutneyApple Cider SyrupApple Compote (Apfelkompott)Apple CrispApple Crumble PieApple CrunchApple DumplingsApple MuffinsApple PandowdyApple Pie with Whipped CreamApple Rally RosterApple Relish (Apfelkren)Apple Semifreddo (with Brandied Cherries)Apple SnowApple Spice CakeApple-Glazed Pork ChopsApricot Chicken BreastsApricot Honey Bread and MuffinsApricot and Currant ChickenAprès SkiAprès Ski ChiliArgentine Grilled Steak with Chimichurri SauceArmenian Vospov Chorbah (Lentil Soup)Aromatic Herb RubArtichoke and Green Bean SaladAsado de Plátanos (Steak with Bananas)Asian Barbecue MarinadeAsian Chicken WingsAsparagus AmandineAsparagus with Ham SauceAtlantic AvenueAunt Mary's PenicillinAutumn CustardAvery Butter SauceAvocado and CornAztec Punch
BBQ Cheddar BurgersBLT BitesBacon BitesBacon DipBacon and Peanut-Butter MuffinsBacon, Pepper, and Potato FrittataBacon-Cheese SpreadBacon-and-Cheese BreadBailey Family Blueberry Bread PuddingBaked Apple CrispBaked ApplesBaked Barbecued BeefBaked Breakfast RiceBaked Cheese PuddingBaked Chicken with Cider and ApplesBaked Cod Fillets in Tomato-Wine SauceBaked Country HamBaked HaddockBaked HalibutBaked Ham in PastryBaked Ham with Ginger-Brandy GlazeBaked Largemouth BassBaked Macaroni and CheeseBaked Macaroni with PeasBaked Mackerel with Onion and TomatoBaked Marinated PotatoesBaked MushroomsBaked OystersBaked Pasta with Chicken ParmesanBaked Plum Tomatoes (Pomodori Al Forno)Baked Pork Chops and ApplesBaked Potatoes Stuffed with SpinachBaked Rock Cod CurryBaked ScallopsBaked ShrimpBaked Squash in Cinnamon and CreamBaked Swordfish SteakBaking Powder BiscuitsBaking Powder BiscuitsBanana Bourbon Cake with Bourbon Creme AnglaiseBanana FrittersBanana LiqueurBanana Nut MuffinsBanana Split ShakesBanana Walnut BreadBananas with BaconBananas with RumBarbacoa Tlaxcalteca (Barbacoa Tlaxcala Style)Barbecue Cheddar BurgersBarbecue ChickenBarbecue SauceBarbecue Sauce, California StyleBarbecue Sauce, Texas StyleBarbecue ShrimpBarbecue String BeansBarbecued Baby Back Pork Ribs with Honey, Tamari and Orange MarinadeBarbecued Buffalo SandwichesBarbecued ShrimpBarbecued Skirt Steak (Arrechera Adobada)Barbecued SpareribsBarbecued Spareribs IIBasic Barbecue SauceBasic Crepe BatterBasic German Pancakes (Deutsche Pfannkuchen)Basic Mexican Bean Recipe (Frijoles)Basic PuddingBasic Soy Sauce Marinade (Hawaii)Basic VinaigretteBasic White MuffinsBass in Lime CreamBavarian Mustard (Munchener Weisswurstsenf)Bavarian Plum Tart (Zwetschgendatschi)Bayou Catfish BarbecueBeachcomberBeef BourguignonBeef StewBeef StockBeef StroganoffBeef and Macaroni StewBeer BusterBeer Griddle CakesBeer-Marinated Flank SteakBeet and Apple SaladBeggar's ChickenBelgian WafflesBentley ButterBerry ZabaglioneBest Ever Pastry ShellBeurre BlancBewitched CasseroleBiscotti DolciBisque of Frozen Peas and CornBistecs con Chipotle (Beef Steaks Pickled-Pepper Style)BitterballenBittersweet BrowniesBlack Forest Pork ChopsBlack Joe CakeBlack MagicBlack RussianBlack Sea Bass Fillet Baked in FoilBlackberry SorbetBlanche Frankenhouser's Old-Fashioned Oatmeal BreadBloody CaesarBloody MariaBloody MaryBloody MaryBlue HawaiianBlue MondayBlue Moon Waldorf SaladBlueberry Banana ShakeBlueberry BettyBlueberry BreadBlueberry BuckleBlueberry Buckle IIBlueberry Buttermilk Bundt CakeBlueberry CobblerBlueberry CompoteBlueberry Corn MuffinsBlueberry PuddingBlueberry PuffsBlueberry SherbetBlueberry Sour Cream Coffee CakeBlueberry Streusel TreatsBlueberry Tart (La Tarte aux Myrtilles)Blum's Monte Christo SandwichBoiled Beef, Munich Style (Tellerfleisch)Boiled DressingBoiled Water Soup (L'Aido Boulido)Bolognese SauceBooky's Baked CrabBoston Baked BananasBouquet GarniBourbon Barbecue SauceBourbon Creme AnglaiseBourbon RibsBraised Bourbon ChickenBraised Fresh Mushrooms (Chun Yu)Braised Lamb Shanks in Yogurt Sauce (Mozat Bellaban)Bran MuffinsBrandied Sweet PotatoesBrandied Walnut PieBrandy Raisin-Apple PieBrandy and Almond Honey CakeBrave BullBrazilian Hot ChocolateBread Pudding with Rum SauceBread and Butter PicklesBread and Butter Pickles IIBread and Chestnut StuffingBrew Pub MopBroccoli-Beef PieBroiled Barbecued ShrimpBroiled Mushrooms with Ham StuffingBroiled Salmon SteaksBroiled Shark or Swordfish with Sicilian DressingBroiled or Grilled Swordfish or SharkBrown Chicken FricasseeBrown SauceBrown StockBrown Sugar PieBrowned ButterBrownie CupcakesBrownie PuddingBruce Young's Corn OystersBudino di RicottaBulgarian BeignetsBullshotBurgundy MeatballsButterButtered CornButtered Spring VegetablesButtermilk BiscuitsButtermilk Biscuits IIButtermilk PieButternut Squash PieBéchamel Sauce (Basic White Sauce)
Cabbage, Carrot and Cucumber SaladCaipirinha SorbetCajun BBQ ShrimpCajun HamburgersCajun Popcorn (Shrimp)California Barbecue SauceCalifornia Barbecue Sauce IICalifornia Chocolate BrowniesCalifornia Shellfish StewCamp Creek Inn Brunch EnchiladasCampfire BreakfastCanadian Meatballs in Sharp SauceCandied Sweet PotatoesCannoli Alla NapolitanaCannoli Alla SicilianaCanterbury Lamb with HoneyCape Cod Chocolate Chip CookiesCape Cod CoolerCape CodderCaramel MousseCaramel SauceCardamom Spice CookiesCaribbean ChampagneCarnevale Fritters with Liqueur (Castagnole di Carnevale)CarnitasCarol Wolk's Matzoh BallsCarpaccioCasatiello (Neapolitan Savory Easter Bread)Casatiello SpongeCatalan SoupCelery Root Salad (Céleri-rave Citronnette)Ceviche (Peruvian)Champagne CocktailChampagne Kiwi SorbetChampagne NormandeCharcoal Grilled Salmon SteaksCheddar Cheese TrianglesCheese Appetizer (dip)Cheese CrackersCheese Nut Stuffed LitchisCheese Sauce (for pasta)Cheese SouffléCheese Soufflé IICheese Vegetable ChowderCheesecake PastryCherries JubileeCherries in Barolo Wine (Ciliege al Barolo)Cherry Apricot Upside Down CakeCherry BounceCherry Creek CrispCherry Turnover (Pirogui aux Cerises Anglaises)Chestnut SoupChesuncook Village Blueberry DumplingChicken Alla Romana (Pollo alla Romana)Chicken Breasts in ChampagneChicken Breasts in Vinegar and Caper SauceChicken Breasts with Asparagus and Garlic ClovesChicken CasseroleChicken ChiliChicken Club SandwichesChicken Curry (Kari Ayam)Chicken Curry AmuiChicken Curry JaipurChicken Fricassee Old-StyleChicken MarylandChicken Noodle SoupChicken PuddingChicken Sauté LouisetteChicken Sauté MarengoChicken ScrappleChicken StockChicken TandooriChicken TeriyakiChicken Velvet SoupChicken Waldorf SaladChicken in Casserole with VegetablesChicken in Coconut Milk (Opor Ayam)Chicken with Forty Cloves of GarlicChicken with Garden HerbsChicken with Olives and Bell Peppers (Piccatine di Pollo, Olive e Peperoni)Chicken with Oyster SauceChicken with Raisins and Pine-nuts (Pollo con Pasas y Pinones)Chicken with Red Wine SauceChicken À La KingChili Con CarneChili SauceChili con Carne Texas StyleChinese Cabbage with Chicken (Sayur Goreng)Chinese Restaurant SpareribsChitterlingsChocolate Banana DropsChocolate BrowniesChocolate Cake DoughnutsChocolate Chip CookiesChocolate Cream CakeChocolate Cream FrostingChocolate Crunch ChuckleChocolate FrostingChocolate GlazeChocolate Icing for CookiesChocolate Orange BrowniesChocolate PuddingChocolate Pudding IIChocolate Rum GlazeChocolate Shortbread (Cookies)Christmas Pudding BreadCicerchiataCinnamon Chicken (Pollo Encanelado)Cinnamon Deep-Dish Apple PieCinnamon GlazeCinnamon-Sugar Applesauce MuffinsClam BundlesClams GiovanniClams MarinaraClassic PaellaCloudberry PuddingClub House SandwichCoca Cola Cake IcingCoca-Cola CakeCoconut CrispsCoconut Macaroons (Kokosmakronen)Coconut SourCod, Potatoes, and Sun-Dried Tomatoes (Merluzzo con Patate e Pomodori Secchi)Coffee Buttercream FrostingCoffee and Nut CakeCold Curried Potato BallsColeslawColeslaw DressingColombian Corn Tamales (Tamales de Maiz Tierno)Company Buttermilk Fried ChickenCookie GlazeCorn CasseroleCorn ChowderCorn ChowderCorn FrittersCorn PuddingCornbread for StuffingCornbread, Pecan, and Oyster StuffingCosta Del SolCountry Apple PuddingCountry Cheddar SoupCountry Cupboard SoupCountry Fried ChickenCountry Ham Stuffed with GreensCountry Kerry Pork ChopsCountry Pecan MuffinsCountry-Style Potato SaladCourt BouillonCoush-Coush (Cornmeal Mush)Cowboy ChiliCowboy Coffee CakeCrab BisqueCrab SaladCrab Stuffed Mushroom CapsCrabhouse Spice BlendCrabhouse Tartar SauceCranberry Maple SyrupCranberry Orange SaladCranberry-Apple CrispCrayfish in Light Butter Sauce (Écrevisses à la nage)Cream Sauce (Sauce Béchamel)Cream of Crab SoupCream of Endive SoupCream of Mushroom SoupCream of Onion SoupCream of Pumpkin SoupCream of Tomato SoupCream of Wild Mushroom SoupCreamed Potatoes Au GratinCreamy Pumpkin and Pasta SoupCreole Seasoning MixCreole Tartar SauceCrudités (Bagna Cauda)Crumb ToppingCrumbly Honey CakeCrème FraîcheCuban Black Bean SoupCuban SpecialCucumber SaladCucumber and Pimiento SaladCucumbers in Lemon SauceCurried ApplesCurried Avocado DipCurried CarrotsCurried ChickenCurried Lamb and PumpkinCurried Lentil SaladCurried Turkey LancasterCurry & Green Chile Mix / RubCurry Mayonnaise DipCurry SauceCurry Sauce (Tahiti)Curry and Cucumber Dressing
Danish Apple CustardDanish ApplesauceDanish Potato SaladDanish Stuffed Chicken with Blueberry SauceDark Fruit ChutneyDeep-Fried Marinated Shrimp (Camerones Chan Kanab)Delaware Peach CrispDevil's Food CakeDeviled Eggs (Oeufs Diablés Froids)Diabetic Milk ShakeDiana Kennedy's Mexican Clam 'Coctel'Dilled Beets in Horseradish CreamDilled Cucumber SaladDilled MushroomsDilled Potato SaladDilly BeansDilly Carrots and BeansDoor County Cherry JamDouble French-Fried PotatoesDouble Mushroom SoupDouble-Chocolate DropsDown-South Pecan PieDry-Roasted NutsDuchess Meat RollDuck StockDuck in Triple Plum Sauce
East African Vegetable PuréeEaster Bread (Osterfladen)Easter Cakes (Cuddura di Pasca)Easter Dove (Colomba Pasquale)Eastern Shore Terrapin SoupEasy Apple CobblerEasy Barbecued ChickenEasy Caesar SaladEasy Flaky Pastry (1 crust)Easy Flaky Pastry (2 crusts)Easy Oven Pot RoastEasy Tamale PieEasy to Make DoughnutsEd Giobbi's Chicken in ClayEgg Custard PieEgg Pasta with Vegetables (Gigli all'Uovo con Verdure)Egg and Bacon CrepesEggnogEggplant Parmesan CasseroleElise's Ginger Spice Cookies (Elises Lebkuchen)Ellen's Swedish MeatballsEnchilada SauceEnchiladas, Acapulco Style (Enchiladas de Acapulco)Enchiladas, Taxco Style (Enchiladas Estilo Taxco)Ermina Apolinario's Canja (Canja de Galinha)Exquisite Apple Pie
Faggot / Bouquet GarniFarmer's CakeFava Bean Crostini with Pecorino and Lemon OilFavorite Grilled ChickenFeathery Buttermilk PancakesFettuccine ToscanaFillets of Sole on Beurre RougeFines HerbesFireworks RubFish DuglereFish PotFish Stock IFish Stock IIFish and Rice SoupFlaky Tender Pastry (1 crust)Flaky Tender Pastry (2 crusts)Flaky Tender Pastry with CheeseFlank Steak with Garlic-Ginger SauceFlank Steak with Sesame MarinadeFlorida Pork Back Ribs (Baby Back Ribs)Flounder Fillets with Bacon, Red Onion, and Citrus over Wilted SpinachFocaccia with Artichokes and Brie (Focaccia con Brie e Carciofi)Foil Baked Flounder FilletsFord's Fantastic PancakesFrench Chocolate CakeFrench OmeletteFresh Apple Walnut CakeFresh Blueberry SauceFresh Blueberry TartsFresh Plum LeatherFresh Plums or Cherries Baked in Cream Cheese CustardFresh Salsa (Salsa Cruda)Fresh Strawberries with Grand Marnier CreamFresh Tomato SaladFresh Tomato SalsaFriday Night Roasted ChickenFried Cheese BallsFried Zucchini FlowersFrontier Cocktail (Coctel Frontera)Fruit Stuffed Avocado Rum DressingFruit with Amaretto CreamFruity Breakfast Tostada
Galani di CarnevaleGarden Cream Cheese SpreadGarden PeasGarden RelishGarlic Roasted ChickenGarlic-Cheese SoupGarlic-Ginger SauceGarlic-Stuffed Lamb ChopsGarlic-Tomato SoupGerman Apple CakeGinger Peach Bavarian CreamGinger TeaGinger-Lime CarrotsGingerbread Cutouts (Lebkuchen)Gingerbread Fruitcake (Lebkuchen Fruchttorte)Gingered Chicken (Pollo en Jengibre)Glasgow PunchGlazed Carrots with Orange ZestGlazed Kohlrabi with HerbsGlin Castle SconesGolden Corn RelishGolden MeatloafGolden Nugget CakesGooseberry Tart (Stachelbeerkuchen)GorditasGoulash (Hungarian Gulyas)Grand Marnier French ToastGrandma June's Baked TomatoesGrandma's Soft Sugar CookiesGrape Juice LimeadeGrated Carrot Salad with Orange (Shelada Ghezo-maa Alchin)Green Bean and Mushroom Salad à la DanoiseGreen BeansGreen Beans SonomaGreen Beans with Cherry TomatoesGreen Beans with SavoryGreen Rice (Arroz Verde)Grilled Beef and BananasGrilled Flank Steak with Chili and GarlicGrilled Lamb RibletsGrilled Mahi-MahiGrilled Marinated Lamb SteaksGrilled MushroomsGrilled PearsGrilled Salisbury SteakGrilled Smoked Turkey Tilsiter SandwichesGrilled Soft-Shell Crab Sandwich with Crabhouse SpicesGrilled Turkey Breast with Peanut SauceGrilled Whole PotatoesGuacamoleGuacamole IIGuacamole with ShrimpGuard's Pudding
Halloween TreatsHam Hash, Country StyleHam Hocks and Black-Eyed PeasHam Hocks and GreensHam and Spinach SaladHam with Red-Eye GravyHamburger StroganoffHarvest Pumpkin BreadHawaiian Barbecue SauceHawaiian CarrotsHawaiian CoolerHawaiian Grilled Pork ChopsHawaiian ScallopsHazelnut and Butter CakeHearty Beef and Vegetable SoupHearty Sausage and Kale SoupHearty Winter Vegetable SoupHeaven and Earth (Hemel en Aarde)Heavenly Angel Food CakeHenderson House MuffinsHerbed Green-Pea SaladHerbed LobsterHickory Grilled Baby Back RibsHierloom Danish CookiesHigh Apple PieHigh Protein CerealHobo SandwichHoliday Meringue CakeHollandaise SauceHomemade ApplesauceHomemade Herb CheeseHoney Basted Chicken BreastsHoney BunsHoney ChickenHoney Gingerbread CookiesHoney Glazed ChickenHoney Pecan ButterHoney, Tamari and Orange MarinadeHoney-Garlic Pork RibsHonoluluHonolulu ChickenHonolulu CoolerHot Apple BettyHot Apple-Cinnamon TeaHot Artichoke DipHot Chicken SaladHot Chili-Tomato DipHot Crab SpreadHot Honeyed Pineapple JuiceHot Mulled CiderHunter SaladHush PuppiesHushpuppies
Ides of March SandwichImperial Baked ApplesIndian ChickenIowa's Heavenly Pumpkin MuffinsIsland Paradise SandwichItalian Garlic ToastItalian MeatloafItalian Peach TorteItalian Tomato Salad
Jalapeno Pepper AppetizersJamaican Pumpkin PancakesJapanese-Style Marinated Flank SteakJavanese Skewered BeefJazzy Mashed PotatoesJerk ChickenJoan's Pumpkin BreadJoe Tilden's San Francisco Cream of Onion SoupJohn and Frances' LasagnaJumbo PopoversJumbo Sugar CookiesJune's Meringues
Kacang Saus (Peanut Sauce)Kansas City-Style Barbecued Brisket DipKarelian Hot Pot (Karjalanpaisti)Kasha, Mushroom, and Hazelnut StuffingKecap Manis (Indonesian Soy Sauce)Kentucky ChickenKentucky ScrambleKey West Pork ChopsKosher Pie Pastry
La Mansion del Rio Hot ChocolateLa Playa Rum PunchLasagne (Lasagna)Laura's Strawberry-Rhubarb BarsLemon ChutneyLemon DropsLemon FillingLemon FrostingLemon Hearts (Zitronenherzen)Lemon IcingLemon Icing for CookiesLemon MarinadeLemon RiceLemon SabayonLemon VinaigretteLemon VodkaLemon-Zested Mulberry and Rhubarb CrispLemonade ChickenLeprechaunLiebfraumilchLight Chocolate PuddingLight Honey CakeLight Mashed PotatoesLima-Bacon BakeLime MarinadeLime Rum PunchLime SherbetLinguine with Porcini Cream SauceLinguini with White Clam SauceLittle Indian PuddingLittle Pigs of Heaven (Tocinillo de Cielo)Lobster Cardinale OmeletteLobster ChowderLobster Cocktail with CognacLobster NewburgLoma BonitaLomo de Cerdo al Jerez (Barbecued Pork Loin in Sherry)London Potted ShrimpLouise Sheldon's Fudge BarsLouisiana Coffee CakeLouisiana Sweet-Potato Salad
Macaroni SaladMacaroni and Tuna Fish SaladMacuto Chicken (Pollo de Macuto)Mai TaiMaine Blueberry PancakesMaine Chicken PieMama's Chicken SoupMango GranitaMango-Lime SpritzerMaple Baked ApplesMaple Barbecued SpareribsMaple-Fried CornMaquechouxMargaritaMargarita IIMargarita's HoundMaria Rosa's Italian Easter SoupMarinated Bean SaladMarinated CauliflowerMarinated Chicken in a SandwichMarinated Sliced TomatoesMarinated Vegetable KebabsMarmalade on a HoneycombMaryland Crab CakesMaui CocktailMeat LoafMeatloafMeatloaf IIMelon SalsaMexican BeansMexican ChickenMexican Rice (Arroz Mexicano)Mexican Tortilla SandwichMiami SunsetMiddle Eastern Lentil SaladMilwaukee Pork StewMimosaMinestrone (Vegetable Soup)Mint JulepMinute Steaks, Beer GravyMississippi Rice with ChickenMixed Chili SalsaMocha Cream CakeMocha Deluxe Hot DrinkMolded Lemon PuddingMole Sauce (Salsa Mole)Monkfish in Cream SauceMornay SauceMoroccan BeignetsMulled CiderMushroom Caps Filled with Herb CheeseMushroom StrudelMussel Soup (Zuppa di Cozze)Mustard Barbecue SauceMustard SauceMustard SauceMustard Sauce IIMustard VinaigretteMustard-Baked ChickenMustard-Cheddar SpreadMy Mother's Spareribs
Nantucket Corn PuddingNeapolitan SixtyNeptune ChowderNew England Cheese SoupNew England Quahog CakesNew Jersey DoughnutsNew Mexico Blue CornbreadNew York Style CheesecakeNippy Pork Chop PlatterNo-Honey Honey CakeNoodles with Roquefort (Nouilles au Roquefort)Nut CakeNut and Almond CakeNutmeg Orange Sauce
Oatmeal Gems (Cookies)Oatmeal PancakesOatmeal-Raisin CookiesOhio PuddingOhio SauceOl' Timey Pear FrittersOld Berlin FrankfurtersOld English Cider CakeOld English Hard SauceOld Fashioned Chicken CasseroleOld Fashioned Minnesota GoulashOld-Fashioned Blueberry MuffinsOld-Fashioned Cream of Potato SoupOld-Fashioned LemonadeOld-Fashioned Oatmeal CookiesOld-Fashioned Pound CakeOld-Fashioned Pumpkin PieOld-Fashioned Sugar CookiesOld-Fashioned WassailOlive ColeslawOmelet Country StyleOne-Layer Chocolate Fudge Rum CakeOrange Cake FrostingOrange Chocolate CoupeOrange Cranberry PieOrange IcesOrange PuddingOrange Rum Layer CakeOrange TartOrange-Pepper SteaksOur Best-Ever HamburgersOven Fried ChickenOven Poached HaddockOven-Barbecued SpareribsOven-Fried Catfish with Sesame SeedsOven-Fried FishOven-Fried Spot with VegetablesOvernight ColeslawOyster ChowderOyster Stew
Pain Perdu (Lost Bread)Pan-Fried BassPan-Fried Shark or SwordfishPane di SpagnaPanettoneParsley DressingPassover Chocolate CookiesPasta All Buttera GrossetinoPasta PuttanescaPasta Tuscan Style (Pasta alla Toscana)Pastiera NapoletanaPastry Cream (Crema Pasticcera)Pastry for EmpanadasPavlovaPeach ChutneyPeach CrispPeach and Blueberry CompotePeanut Butter CupcakesPeanut Butter FrostingPeanut Butter TassiesPeanut SaucePeanut SaucePeanut-Butter CookiesPeanut-Butter DropsPear and Tomato SaladPears ZabaglionePeas, English StylePecan CatfishPecan PiePecan-Crusted Flounder with Lime-Butter SaucePeep-Willow Chicken Salad SupremePepperoni Pizza PopoversPersian Ravioli Soup (Gushe Barreh)Peruvian Lamb StewPetits Pains Au ChocolatPicadilloPickled BeetsPickled VegetablesPico de Gallo (Mexican hot table sauce)Pie CrustPie PastryPike's Peak PotatoesPilgrim Pumpkin PiePineapple BurgersPineapple SunrisePink VerandaPisco PunchPisco SourPisco Sour IIPizza DoughPizza Hamburger PiePizzellesPlain PastePlantation PunchPlum CompotePlum-Daiquiri SaucePoached Lobster with Tarragon Beurre BlancPoached Red Snapper DiegoPolish HamburgersPolynesian Scrambled EggsPoohanpiglet PancakesPopovers for PigletPoppy Seed Panino with Smoked TroutPork Burgers DeluxePork Chops CreolePork Chops ModenaPork Chops ModenesePork Chops Stuffed with Apples (Braciole di Maiale Farcite alle Mele)Pork Chops with Pecan Cream SaucePork MojoPortsmouth SaladPortugal CakesPotato ChowderPotato PancakesPotato Salad with Sour Cream and CucumbersPotato Skins with Cheese and BaconPotato SoupPotato WafflesPoulet Basilique (Chicken in Basil Wine Sauce)Pound CakePowdered Sugar IcingPrize-Winning Barbecued RibsProvencale Sauce (Sauce Provençale)PucciniPumpkin BreadPumpkin Chiffon PiePumpkin EmpanadasPumpkin FlanPumpkin HermitsPumpkin Lentil CasserolePumpkin PuréePumpkin RaitaPumpkin SoufflePumpkin SoupPumpkin Spice Cake
Quick Coffee Cake (Blitzkuchen)Quick Corn RelishQuick Strawberry-Orange MarmaladeQuick and Easy Beer Barbecue SauceQuick and Thick Spaghetti Sauce with MeatQuick-and-Easy Chili Con Carne
Raisin SauceRanch-Style Sauce (Salsa Ranchera)Raspberries RomanoffRaspberry Pudding (Vaapukkakiisseli)Raspberry Vinegar MarinadeRed Cooked Beef (Lo Suey Ngow Yuk)Red Wine VinaigretteRefried Beans (Frijoles Refritos)Rhubarb CrispRhubarb PieRhubarb and Strawberry TartRice PuddingRice Salad (Salada de Arroz)Rice, Milan Style (Risotto Alla Milanese)Rich Chocolate SouffléRich Crepe BatterRich Fish Stock (Fumet de Poisson)Rich Mashed PotatoesRich Short-Crust DoughRich Tart Pastry IRich Veal StockRichmond Barbecue SauceRio Grande Chili Beef (Chile con Carne Mexicano)Risotto GenoveseRisotto with SausageRisotto with Spring Vegetables (Risotto Primavera con Verdure e Pecorino)Riverboat ShrimpRoast Chinese SpareribsRoast Goose with Apple and Apricot StuffingRoast Loin of Pork with Sweet Potatoes and ApplesRoast Polynesian SpareribsRoast Pork A L'OrangeRoast Pork with Garlic and Rosemary (Arista)Roast Prime Ribs of Beef with Salt CrustRoast Shoulder of LambRoasted Chicken with Honey Red-Pepper SauceRock Cornish Game Hens in Raspberry Vinegar MarinadeRodeo SpareribsRomaine Salad with Mustard-Cream Dressing and WalnutsRomaine Salad with Red Wine VinaigretteRosy Baked PearsRoyal Roast-Beef SaladRum Cocktail (Ron Coctel)Rum PuddingRum SauceRum-Brandy-Champagne PunchRussian Cold Apple Soup
Sage and Pimiento Chicken SoupSangria (Sangría)Sara's ChiliSaté Babi (Skewered Barbecued Pork)Sauce SupremeSausage Breakfast CasseroleSausage Stuffed MushroomsSausage in Vinegar SauceSausage-Rice Stuffing with Parmesan, Pine Nuts, and RaisinsSausages and Sea ShellsSauteed SteaksSautéed MushroomsSautéed ParsnipsSautéed SpinachSavory Apricot ShrimpsSavory Dumplings (Semmelknodel)Scalloped PotatoesScallops with Basil (Coquilles St. Jacques au Basilic)Scotch EggsScrambled Eggs with TortillasScrappleSeafood GumboSeafood StockSesame MarinadeSesame-crisped ChickenSeven Day Preserved Lemons (Hamid Msyiar)Shark Fin SoupShark TacoShepherd's SoupSherried MushroomsShirred EggsShoo-Fly PieShort RibsShredded Carrot SaladShrimp Satay with Spicy Dipping SauceShrimp ScampiShrimp with FetaSicilian Home-Style Cassata (Cassata Casalinga all Siciliana)Simple Steak SauceSimple SyrupSimple Tomato SaladSingapore SlingSkillet ChickenSledge HammerSliced Tomatoes with Olive Oil and BasilSmoked Eel with Horseradish CreamSmoked Herbed ChickenSmoky, Spicy Barbecue SauceSnapper Fillets Baked in FoilSoft and Chewy CookiesSoup of Trieste (Minestra Alla Triestina)Sour Cream SauceSour Cream and Chocolate Pound CakeSour Green-Tomato PicklesSour-Cream WafflesSouth Carolina Mustard Barbecue SauceSouthern Baked HamSouthern Cream of Pecan SoupSouthern Dry RiceSouthern EggnogSpaghetti TimbaleSpaghetti al Tonno (Spaghetti with Tuna)Spaghetti alla Carbonara (Spaghetti with Ham and Eggs)Spaghetti alla Marinara (Spaghetti with Fresh Tomato and Basil Sauce)Spaghetti alla Matriciana (Spaghetti with salt pork and tomato)Spaghetti with Garlic and Oil (Spaghetti Aglio e Olio)Spaghetti with Prosciutto and Basil SauceSpanish Omelet (Tortilla Española)Spanish Pumpkin Omelet (Tortilla de Calabaza)Spareribs in BeerSpice CakeSpice Cookies (Speculaas)Spiced Apple CoffeecakeSpiced Beef RoundSpiced CashewsSpiced Fresh Blueberry CupSpiced Marble Pound CakeSpiced Pork (Babi Rica)Spicy Beef and RiceSpicy Chicken Salad with MushroomsSpicy Chicken WingsSpicy Dipping SauceSpicy Marinated Chicken (Pollo Adobado)Spicy Marinated Shark or SwordfishSpicy Meatballs en BrochetteSpicy Pimento-Cheddar SpreadSpicy Pumpkin PuddingSpinach Fettuccine with Tuna SauceSpinach Salad with Seven Day Preserved Lemon (Bekkoula)Spinach and Bacon SaladSpirited EggnogSpit-Roasted Leg of LambSponge Cake Amore (Pan di Spagna Amore)Spontaneous Chicken in Mustard SauceSpoon Bread with BaconSquash Bisque, Country StyleSteak FlorentineSteak with Onion and CapersSteamed Fresh Green Beans with Water ChestnutsSteamed Sponge Cake (Ma La Gau)Steamed Vegetables in Malt Vinegar DressingStir-Fried Sesame PumpkinStir-Fried Squash (Ch'ao Nan Kua)Stir-Fried Taros (Ts'ung Ch'ao Yu Nai)Strawberries JamaicaStrawberries Three WaysStrawberry Angel CakeStrawberry AppetizersStrawberry Atole (Atole de Fresa)Strawberry Bavarian CreamStrawberry ButterStrawberry CobblerStrawberry Ice CreamStrawberry Milk ShakeStrawberry MousseStrawberry MuffinsStrawberry NectarStrawberry Pastry Tiers (Sablé aux Fraises)Strawberry RisottoStrawberry SnowballsStrawberry SorbetStrawberry Tart (Flan de Fraises a la Tyrolienne)Strawberry Tarts Santa MariaStrawberry-Rhubarb Buttery Coffee CakeStrawberry-Rhubarb CobblerStrawberry-Rhubarb FillingStrawberry-Rhubarb Lattice-Top PieStrawberry-Rhubarb MuffinsStrawberry-Rhubarb PunchStrawberry-Rhubarb SauceStreet-Fair Arepas with Mozzarella FillingStuffed Apples Baked in Apple Brandy (Gefüllte Apfeln im Apfel Weinbrand)Stuffed Seatrout with Olive RiceSugar Pumpkin PieSugar SyrupSuper Bowl Sunday StewSusan's MeatloafSweet & Sour DrumsticksSweet Cider Sauce for DessertsSweet Maple ChickenSweet PastrySweet Potato CasseroleSweet Potato PieSweet Potato PuddingSweet String Bean PicklesSweet and Sour Cucumber SaladSweet and Sour Cucumber SaladSweet and Sour Meatball AppetizerSweet and Sour SauceSweet and Tangy Rock Cornish HensSweet-And-Sour Glazed OnionsSweet-And-Sour PorkSweet-And-Sour Pork ChopsSweet-Sour Plum DressingSweet-Sour Plum SaladSweet-Sour SauceSwimming Fish in Sweet-Sour SauceSwiss SaladSzechwan Spicy Tangerine Chicken
Tacos with Ground Meat (Tacos con Carne Molida)Tagliatelle with Prosciutto (Tagliatelle al Prosciutto)Tall Tequila (Tequila Alta)Tamale Casserole with Chicken (Tamal de Cazuela con Pollo)Tangy Cole SlawTart PastryTartar SauceTater BurgersTennessee Basting SauceTennessee Corncob SoupTeramo Style Turnovers (Panzerotti Alla Teramana)Teriyaki Marinated Swordfish SteakTeriyaki Plum AppetizersTeriyaki RibsTewkesbury SauceTex-Mex ChiliTexas Barbecue SauceTexas Barbecued ChickenTexas Osgood PieTexas Special SauceThe Barristers SpecialThe Poor Author's PuddingThe Therapeutic Three-Hour Chicken SoupThick-Crust Sausage PizzaThousand Island DressingTiramisuToad-In-The-HoleToasted Pumpkin SeedsToasted Roquefort and Roast-Beef SandwichesTomato Fondue (Fondue de Tomates)Tomato Sauce (I)Tomato Sauce for PizzaTomato Sweet-Sour SauceTomato and Mozzarella SaladTomato-Horseradish SauceTomatoey Maryland Crab SoupToreador ChocolateTorta de Masa (a fine-grained, sweet corn bread)TorteTortilla Rolls (Tortillas Enrolladas)Tortillas Stuffed with Cheese (Quesadillas)Trail Blazer TroutTriple-Chocolate BiscottiTropical Fish KebabsTrout AmandineTuna SauceTurkey A La KingTurkey DivanTurkey Fruit SaladTurkey GumboTurkey HashTurkey ParmesanTurkey Salad ala KingTurkey Salad with Almonds and GingerTurkey Sandwiches with Cranberry Cream Cheese and Sweet-and-Sour CucumbersTurkey Tacos (Tacos de Guajolote)Turkey and Wild Rice CasseroleTurkey with Broccoli and CheeseTurkey, Shrimp and Sausage Soup with White BeansTuscan BreadTwice-Cooked Mackerel Fillets
Ukrainian Poppy Seed Cake
Vanilla Cream IcingVeal Sausages, Munich-Style (Weisswurst)Vegetarian Lion's Head (Su Shih Tzu T'ou)Venison Steaks with Cranberry-Port SauceVermouth CassisVictoria SandwichesViennese Chocolate TorteViennese CrescentsVinaigrette DressingVinegar PieVirginia Corn Pudding
Waffle DevilsWaffles with Mushrooms and BaconWaldorf Deluxe SaladWalnut BrittleWalnut VinaigretteWalnut and Cream CakeWalnut, Golden Raisin, and Fennel Seed SconesWarm-Water Pâte BriséeWatercress and Bacon SaladWatermelon IceWeisslacker Cheese Spread (Obatzta Vom Weisslacker)Western Kentucky Style Barbecue SauceWhipped-Cream LatticeWhiskey CobblerWhiskey PunchWhiskey SourWhite Icing for CookiesWhite Potatoes in Dill (Keiteyt Tilliperunat)White Rice (Arroz Blanco)White Sausage RagoutWhite Soup with Garlic and Grapes (Ajo Blanco)Wholesome WafflesWilliamsburg Orange-Sherry CakeWine-Glazed CarrotsWinter ChowderWinter GlöggWinterthur Iced TeaWynn's Chili Pie
X-23 Piña Colada CheesecakeXim Xim Chicken (Xim-Xim De Galinha)
Yucatan (Yucatán)
Zabaglione SauceZippy Cherry SauceZitronen QuarkZucchini ParmigianoZucchini PicklesZuppa Alla Senese
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