
Country Cupboard Soup

A tasty low calorie, low fat and low cholesterol recipe for Country Cupboard Soup.

Potato Salad with Sour Cream and Cucumbers

Potato Salad with Sour Cream and Cucumbers is a great recipe for a summer picnic.

White Potatoes in Dill (Keiteyt Tilliperunat)

A classic recipe of Finland, Keiteyt Tilliperunat, known as White Potatoes in Dill in English, is typically served in the winter and then let. However, because white potatoes and dill are generally grown in the same season in North America, this is a great recipe for mid to late spring.

Country-Style Potato Salad

A classic southern country-style potato salad recipe.

Creamed Potatoes Au Gratin

Creamed Potatoes Au Gratin imported from Recipe Import

Chicken in Casserole with Vegetables

A delicious French country chicken casserole recipe.

Potato Pancakes

Beignets de Pommes de terre

Lobster Chowder

A recipe from Union Oyster House on Union Street in Boston.

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